Travelers learn Extermination Prevent bed bugs from hitchhiking to their homes

The key is to contain all items suspected of carrying bed bugs in plastic bags until the items can be laundered, washed by hand, heated, or frozen.

Bed bug Extermination Exterminators In Pest Control Service

Before leaving the infested site, anything that can be laundered should be sorted and placed in plastic bags. Separate the laundry as you would if you were normally laundering items, specifically: light colored clothes from dark items; delicate items from items that can be laundered on wash / dry regular cycles; and finally, dry cleanable items. Separating the clothing permits easy loading of the washing machine and you can avoid escaping bed bugs as you try to sort the laundry at home.

When washing, set the washer and dryer for the hottest setting that the fabric can withstand. If you need to use a dry cleaning service, mention to them that the items may have bed bugs and they can keep the articles in the plastic bags until just before loading into the machines.

Suitcases and other items that cannot be placed into a washing machine should be carefully inspected, and if bed bugs are found (or you are not sure) place them into plastic bags, as well. Suitcases may be hand-washed. If hand-washing any items, use soapy water and make sure that the hottest water possible is used. Test the item to make sure it will not be affected by the hot water. A target temperature of 100°Fto 120°F should be sufficient. Use a scrub brush along the seams and folds.

Bed Bug Bite Symptoms:

  • Large red bumps and welts
  • Multiple red marks in line formation
  • Extreme irritation and itch
  • Slight burning sensation
  • Dramatic swelling
  • Blistered inflammations

Identifying bed bugs can be extremely tricky due to the fact that they are nocturnal and very tiny. A few tips will help you determine whether or not your infestation is clearly bed bugs.bed-bug

  • Check bedding, mattresses, and other fabrics in the home for small brownish bugs
  • Tiny bloodstains may appear and can be spotted on sheets and clothing
  • Dark spots of excrement will be found in dark corners and crevices
  • What appears to be a severe allergic reaction takes affect on your persons

Beg bug infestations have become a common problem. Although often previously associated with overcrowding and dilapidated housing environments,Bed bugs have returned and can be found in the cleanest living accommodations including fine hotels and large apartment buildings.
The reasons they have returned is not fully understood, but is believed to be partially due to an increase in travel among people, which includes easy movement of luggage or other items that may have become infested.
Due to changes in regulations, pesticides that previously were used to control these offending insects are no longer being used, which may also be a contributing factor to their resurgence.

Bed Bugs galore in the Greater Seattle area:

Bedbug Infestations is hitting in all directions and Counties in the
Greater Seattle area. It is unbelievable how even just one Holiday Season
vacationer could bring a huge problem to and from a destination. With all
of the traveling and visiting due to Thanksgiving there was more than a
chance some souvenirs were coming home to Redmond. But not the kind the
traveler wanted. Once the family got home to Redmond the beginnings of a
huge bedbug infestation had begun. The children were complaining about
being bit by something and scratching like crazy. Dad checked the
children’s beds and found dark blood stains and a live bedbug in the
creases of a mattress. It can take up to 14 days for the nasty creatures to
rear it’s ugly head. Pictures of the bug were taken and a choice was made
to call in a pest control service. AMPM Exterminators was notified,
pictures were emailed and an appointment was made to begin the long process
to get ready to eliminate the Bed Bug infestation.

How in the world did this happen:

The Redmond family had gone on a week vacation to Boston. So there was
ample opportunity to pick up the bed bugs. The little hitchhikers caught a
ride on all of the luggage, tote bags and garment bags. The bed bugs got on
board at the hotel. But another source was in the car rental because it had
velvet covered seats where the little vampires nestled in. The homeowner
thought about all the places visited during the vacation and now knew that
this was a huge problem and an experienced pest control specialist was
needed to take care of the problem. The Redmond homeowner already made the
decision to call AMPM Exterminators and the experienced technicians were
ready to tackle the big bed bug exterminating job. Yes that’s right. This
type of pest control service is quite the process. But following all of the
steps is necessary.

What do bed bugs look like:

The Redmond homeowner emailed pictures of the bug to AMPM Exterminators
and gave a physical description of locations where the pests were found. A
big clue was the dark blood stains found on bedding. The Dad learned that
adult bed bugs are brown/red, flat and wingless. Bedbugs are oval shaped,
4-5 mm in length and can run fast. After dining on human blood the pests
turn to a deep red and will become engorged due to the feeding. Very
important to identify the pest in order for AMPM Exterminators to get the
job done.

AMPM Exterminators identified Bed Bug Infestation:

AMPM Exterminators technician identified the pests to be bedbugs. Secondly,
went over the required steps needed to be taken to prepare for the bed bug
exterminator service. The preparation protocol can take a few days before
the extermination takes place. If instructions not followed means starting
all over again.

Steps and measures to take for a successful Bed Bug elimination:

Vacuuming needed to be done of entire home,mattresses and fabric furniture.
Dispose of vacuum bags full bags outside garbage immediately. Everything
washed in hot water and dried 20 minutes and longer. Bag all laundry in
plastic bags, sealed and marked washed. All bedding and pillows be sealed
in plastic bags marked washed. Specially made bed bug cover encasements to
put headboards and mattresses into and sealed can be bought at hardware
stores. Clean out all clutter. Family told when returning home clothing
had be removed in the bathroom. Put in plastic bag and labeled dirty. Doing
laundry as soon as possible was highly recommended. Closets were emptied
and contents bagged. AMPM Exterminators technician provided all of the
required steps to follow and the family complied.

AMPM Exterminators verified steps followed and ready to exterminate the

AMPM Exterminators professional Exterminator verified that the the workflow
instructions were completed . The service included steps for after
treatment. AM Exterminators professional stressed the importance of
following all instructions and steps for a successful treatment to get rid
of the bed bugs. If the workflow was not adhered to than the extermination
service would have to be repeated. The Redmond travellers were so relieved
that the stress that had taken over lives was over. Thanks to the AMPM
Exterminators technician that hot the job done.

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