On your own-Do it yourself bed bug control

Do-it-yourself bed bug control

Bed bugs are flattened for hiding in cracks and crevices. Bed bug are known to hide along the welting on the edge of a mattress, baseboards closer to the bed, electrical outlets the list is endless. when you do decide on the do it yourself bed bug control that you set remembers of all the possible areas that bed bugs hide.

Prepare the room to avoid mixing treated from untreated furniture or items.

Take all clothes from drawers and items from infested closets. and double bag them in clear plastic bags clear bags are easier to see where things are. Also double bag all personal items toys, papers, books, electronics or anything that could serve as a hiding place for bed bugs and set them aside until they can be carefully treated, cleaned or inspected. During the do it yourself bed bug control extermination process is important because if you treat half of the items in a room and leave other areas untreated, bed bugs may return to the previously treated areas from untreated sites.

Following the same procedures to prevent you from bring bedbugs back from where you have cleaned or treated.

do on your own bed bug control

When you begin a do it yourself bed bug control treatment be careful not to return furniture or items to parts of the room that have been treated.  Note that furniture should be taken apart, drawers and cushions removed in order to inspect and treat every nook and cranny. When treating upholstered furniture, pay attention to each welt, button and fold. You may wish to discard low value, stuffed furniture that is infested and too difficult to treat.  After spraying, return each article of furniture to the part of the room that has been treated. Do not reintroduce any furniture or other items to the treated room until they have been thoroughly cleaned, inspected or treated.

Following the same procedures to treat the rooms all cracks and crevices around windows, outlets, blinds, pictures, posters and clocks on walls, baseboards, under edges of carpets and any other crevices or void areas in the room. Remember that immature bed bugs are very tiny. Dozens of bed bugs can hide in a recessed screw hole in a bed frame or dresser. Therefore it’s important that no hiding place be overlooked. Treatment can include Vacuuming, Pesticides sprays, Heating, Freezing but should not be limited to vacuuming only. Vacuums do not remove eggs, and will likely not remove all bed bugs from deeply infested cracks and crevices. Vacuums can remove many bed bugs from mattresses and the exterior of box springs remember to immediately double bag the vacuum bag after cleaning and dispose of outside in a trash can or dumpster. Sticky tape is another method of picking up bed bugs from furniture, walls, etc.